This box displays the following calculated data;

Stall Speed

Calculated using the maximum lift coefficient, estimated maximum lift coefficient, estimated gross weight at sea level. The maximum lift coefficient is set in the Preferences Screen which is accessible from the File Menu. The estimated gross weight is entered in the Detail TabDetail_Tab .

Estimated Maximum Speed

Calculated using the flat plate area obtained from the Drag Breakdown TabDrag_Breakdown_Tab , total wing area also obtained from theDrag Breakdown TabDrag_Breakdown_Tab , maximum power available obtained from the Detail TabDetail_Tab , maximum propeller efficiency obtained from the Performance Tab in the Preferences Screen which is accessible from the File Menu.

Maximum L/D (Lift to Drag Ratio)

Calculated using the flat plate area obtained from the Drag Breakdown TabDrag_Breakdown_Tab , total wing area and aspect ratio which are also obtained from the Drag Breakdown TabDrag_Breakdown_Tab  

Minimum Sink Speed

Calculated using the flat plate area obtained from the Drag Breakdown TabDrag_Breakdown_Tab , total wing area and aspect ratio which are also obtained from the Drag Breakdown TabDrag_Breakdown_Tab 

All units are based on the selected units in the Detail TabDetail_Tab , Drag Breakdown TabDrag_Breakdown_Tab  and Performance TabPerformance_Tab .